Miss Lefever's Second Grade Class of 1932Can you help identify pupils whose names are missing. A question mark following a name indicates a measure of uncertainty. A question mark with no name indicates no one could tell us who the student was. Front Row: Left to Right: 1) Raymond Chisum; 2) ?; 3) Howard Henry; 4) Sammy Tessler; 5) ?; 6) Leona Mantels; 7) ?; 8) ?; 9) Geraldine Welcher ?; 10) ? Second Row: Left to Right: 1) Rosalie Lewis; 2) Peggy Rowland; 3) Grace Dehn; 4) Beulah Gaugh; 5) Dorothy Hoff; 6) Pat Hoff; 7) Mac Kosack ?; 8) Margaret Jones; 9) Betty Sue Behnke; 10) Dora Headrick ?; Edna Wideman; 12) Juanita Rachal; 13) Evelyn Brown; 14) ?; 15) ?; 16) Virginia Lee Lough ? 17) Virginia Wilson; 18) Eustace Nettell Back Row: Left to Right: 1) Gene Baskett; 2) Elmer Umfleet; 3) ?; 4) ?; 5) Delmon Dierking ?; 6) Morris Burnett; 7) Anthony Jones; 8) Glenn Beasley.
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Cooley. © Sue Cooley 2001