St. Clair School 1927-28 School Year Source of Information: The Republican Tribune School Edition -- 1927, provided to Sue Cooley by Glenn Thoming from the papers of his deceased mother, Cora Thoming, who was a teacher. Superintendent: Herbert C. Funke. He graduated from Southeast Missouri State Teachers College in 1921 and taught mathematics at the University of Missouri summer session at Rolla. Grade School Faculty: Mrs. Gilbert Lay, Teacher of Primary RoomMaude Casey, Second Grade TeacherHelen Moore, Third Grade TeacherMaggie Mester, Fourth Grade TeacherRuth Martin, Fifth and Sixth Grade TeacherFrank H. Licklider, Principal and taught Seventh and Eighth Grades. The new elementary school was dedicated September 2, 1927. High School Faculty: Principal: Marion F. Drury. He held an A.B. from Central College and was a graduate student at Missouri University. Another teacher was Daisy B. McClure, who taught Latin, English, and commercial subjects. St. Clair Board of Education: F. P. Weatherford - President; Al Raaf - Secretary; Other Board Members: D. M. Hibbard, E. H. Panhorst, R. J. King and E. C. Johnston. Franklin
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