St. Clair High School Senior Class of 1926
Source: 1926 Clairion provided by
Glenn Thoming
Students (top to bottom) are: Harry Ellis: Track 4; Basketball 2,3,4; President of Senior Class; Counsel of Latin Club; Dramatic Club; Debate 3; Letter Club; Editor-in-Chief of Clairian; "Takes orders from a sophomore girl" Herbert Stahlman: Track 4; Vice-President of Senior Class; Basketball 2,3,4; Letter Club; "Throw out the clutch. Step on the gas. Treat your profs right and you're sure to pass. William Johnson: Basketball 4; Letter Club; Literary Club 1-2; "Always punctual about arriving late." James Lay: Track 3; Basketball 3,4; Debate 3; Letter Club; Business Manager of Clairian; Literary Society 1,2; Librarian; "All great men are dead and I don't feel well myself." Mitchell Chisum: Track 2,3,4; Basketball 2,3,4; Letter Club; Literary Society 1,2; Captain of Basketball team; Athletic Editor of Clairian; "Here's a boy as fine as silk with a strong desire for drinking milk." Franklin County, Missouri