Franklin County, Missouri

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The MOGenWeb Project & The USGenWeb® Project

Welcome to the Franklin County portion of the MOGenWeb.
We hope that you will find new and useful resources

Table of Contents
History ~ Biography ~ What's New ~ Queries & Lookups
Vital Records ~ Cemeteries ~ Mortuary & Coroner Records ~ Obituaries
Military ~ Odds & Ends

"Our Neighbors"

Crawford ~ Gasconade ~ Jefferson ~ St Charles ~ St Louis ~ Warren ~ Washington ~ Counties, Missouri
Remember that folks traveled, please check our neighbors for information that might be of value to you in your research.
St Louis County has a lot of records that may apply to Franklin Folk.

Vital Records ~ Cemeteries ~ Mortuary & Coroner Records ~Obituaries
B ~ M ~ D's
Reclaim the Records has uploaded new Birth Records for Missouri:
Missouri Birth Index, 1920(ish)-2015
"They tried to charge us $1.5 million for a public records request.
Then they decided to ignore the state Sunshine Law altogether."

Basic B~M~D Records can be found in many places,
it is not my intent to locate or record those, rather I try to locate records
and resources outside the realm of normal research.
Additionally: The Following are recommended:
MO Digital Heritage ~ Reclaim the Records ~ US GenWeb Archives

Missouri Births & Christenings: 1827 > 1935
MO: Births & Christenings - Index ~ Guide to Birth & Death Records [Missouri]
Family Search: Historical Images - Births, Baptism's
Above link takes you to the list

Marriage Records
Franklin County Marriage Books: A & B, 1819-1858

Here is the link for the Franklin County Marriage Index
Missouri Marriages: 1750 > 1920 [FS]

March 2025
More Franklin County Marriage Records
Marriage records 1819-1865 vol A-B
Marriage records 1864-1901 vol C
Marriage records 1866-1875 vol A colored
Marriage records 1872-1881 vol D
Marriage records 1881-1890 vol E-F
Marriage records 1890-1897 vol G-H
Marriage records 1897-1905 vol I-J
Marriage records 1905-1914 vol K
Marriage records 1914-1921 vol L
Marriage records index 1819-1901 vol A-C
Marriage records index 1914-1921 vol L-N

Family Search Marriage Databases
Folks often 'ran away to ger Marriages... or moved away.
Missouri Neighboring States
AR Marriages, 1837-1944 ~ IA Marriages, 1809-1992 ~ IA, Co Marriages, 1838-1934
IL Marriages, 1815-1935 ~ IL, Co Marriages, 1810-1940
KS Marriages, 1840-1935 ~ KY Marriages, 1785-1979 ~ NE Marriages, 1855-1995
OK Marriages, 1870 - 1930 ~ OK Co Marriages, 1890-1995
TN Church Marriages, 1810-1965 ~ TN Civil Marriages, 1838-1888 ~ TN Marriages, 1795-1950 ~ TN Co Marriages, 1790-1950

Family Search: Historical Images - Marriage Records
Above link takes you to the list

Death Records
Missouri Digital Heritage: Vitals
Death Records: Pre 1910 ~ Death Certificates: 1910 - 1971
Here is a link for the Death and Burial Records in Illinois

This is the link for Death, D/C's and Burial Records [Index]
Records from the following States: Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio Texas & Washington

Missouri Death Records: 1867-1976 ~ Missouri State Archives
Family Search: Historical Images, Deaths & Burials
Above link takes you to the list

Vital Odds & Miscellaneous Divorce Records

Marriages, Naturalization & Court Records: 1802 > 1969

There are huge lists of Databases for Missouri on Family Search
Please Use This Link: Sign into your FS Account for Access
It is not our purpose here to list them all as they are obvious by nature and title.

Remember that Divorce Records are considered 'Vital Records'
There are quite a few for the following States:
Montana, Oregon, Colorado, North Carolina, New Hampshire, Michigan

and these new databases for Colorado,
Missouri and Oregon

Here is info on Colorado Divorces: State Wide
Filmed Records: Family Search : Please use this Link
1900 > 1939 & 1975 > 1992
Information Entered:
CO County of Divorce ~ Date & Place of Marriagesiage
Number and Names of Minor Children, if any
Maiden Name Restored ~ Date of Decree

Divorce Records
Booklet: Divorce & Separations: Missouri ~ 1808-1853
LDS Catalog or Go Here

Finally: Church Records
These contain both Baptism, Confirmation and Communion Information.
They are especially important as the Churches kept
records long before they were mandated by the individual States and Counties.

Cemeteries, Coroner Records & Funeral Homes
I found a very comprehensive list of Cemeteries for the Townships
in the old Franklin Files. They may be very old lists as I have no information on who created them.

Franklin Township Cemeteries ~ Poor Farm Cemetery / Alternate Burials
Senate Grove Cemetery ~ Compilation of old Cem Records and 'Poor Farm Cemetery Notes'
F~A~G lists 625 Cemeteries ~ Billion Graves: Index on FS
F~A~G: Born in Missouri [5 Counties] Died in Canada
Be sure to check F~A~G in Mexico for Missouri Deaths

March 2025
Funeral Records
Washington [1855 - 2004] and Gerald [1856 - 1907] Townships, Franklin Co., Mo
After the Confirmations, there are Funeral Record Lists which contain the name of the Cemetery
There Are 8 Films

DAR Film 870029
Item 1
Index Img 7-9
Franklin County Cemeteries
Image 11-TOC
* City Cem, Pacific, P 15 ~ Maupin Cem, Newport, P 70
Sappington Cem, P 72 ~ * St John's Catholic Ch Cem, Gildehaus, P 64 ~ * St Mary's Catholic Ch Cem, P 61
* Union Cem, Union, P 47 ~ * Zion Cem, Union, P 46
* Prior to 1915, All inscriptions were compied on Stones where one date was prior to 1915.

DAR Film 870010
Item 2
John Sappington Chapter, Affton, Missouri
Genealogical Records 1966-1967
Bethel Methodist Ch Cem, P 17 ~ Eksy Cem, P 2
Indian Prairie Cem [Cheathem], P 4
Roberts Cem, P 1 ~ Smith Cem, P 85

Item 4
Franklin County
Brush Creek, Img 272-294, Img 295 - Unmarked Graves ~ Cedar Grove, Img 297-303
Mitchell, Img 304-310 ~ MT Olive, Img 311-318
North, Img 319-322 ~ OakRidge [Shannon Family], Img 323-328 ~ Pleasant Hill, Img 329-338
Roberts, Img 339 [One Stone] ~ Roberts, Img 340-342 ~ Robertsville, Img 343-346

Franklin Co., MO Cemetery Transcriptions [Book] - FS Catalog]
Brown Cemetery,95 ~ Cove Cemetery,90 ~ Fisher Cemetery,94 ~ Goode Cemetery,95
Kamper Cemetery,96 ~ McCallister Cemetery,37 ~ Moore Cemetery,93 ~Mt. Zion Baptist Church Cemetery,96
North Cemetery,92 ~ Odd Fellows, St. Clair,83 ~ Thee Cemetery,97 ~ Wilkinson Cemetery,95 ~ Woodcock Cemetery,11

This FS Catalog Link has a wide assortment of Films and Books which have Cemetery Information.

Also in the Catagory of 'Vital Records'
Remember that Mortuary, Mortality Schedules and Coroner Records are valuable too.

Mortuary Records
California, Sacramento, Cemetery Records, 1900-1959
FS Film # 104304412
See FS for Exact Birth & Death Locations / Search using "MO"
Clark, Booth & Yardley [Mortuary Cards

Obituary Resources

The J R Nieves Legacy Collection of Obituary Indexes
There is a nice selection for Franklin County
This is the link for Missouri
This is the link for all of the United States
This is the link for Countries of the World

Also, there are Indexes for 'Birth Place Not Identified' and 'County Not Identified'

Many of the Obituries on the Indexes can be found on Heritage Hub.
Heritage Hub is available through local Public Libraries with a Library Card.
Look under 'Digital Resources' on your Library Web Page

New HH Resource: "Missouri funeral home notices and obituaries (MO) 1999-Current"

Heritage Hub [NewsBank]: Obituaries
Index: Lookups: Martha, MOGenWeb Volunteer

1968 Obituaries: Records compiled by Margaret Bearce

Possible Resource: Missouri Obituaries, GenealogyBank
This link is for GB Newspapers indexed on FS,

"The Fine Print"

County Coordinator:
State Coordinator: Mel Owings

Assistant State Coordinator: Martha A C Graham
For information about adopting a Missouri County, please contact: Mel

Data contained on these pages may be used for personal genealogical and historical purposes, Please give Credit where it is due.
All data will stay with the MOGenWeb Project when and if the Coordinator resigns: Future contributions or donations will be returned to the Submitter upon request. Although believed to be correct as presented, any corrections, changes or additions or invalid links should be brought to the attention of the Webmaster.
Site Updated: 4 March] 2025
Online Continuously since 1997